Staying Keto While Traveling: 5 Practical Tips

Traveling while maintaining a ketogenic diet is entirely achievable with proper planning and preparation. By researching keto-friendly dining options, packing suitable snacks, utilizing hotel amenities for meal preparation, making smart choices when eating out, and staying active, you can keep on track with your keto lifestyle even on the go. These practical tips will help you stay in ketosis and enjoy your travels without compromising your dietary goals.


Maintaining a ketogenic diet while traveling can seem daunting, but with a bit of planning and preparation, you can stick to your keto lifestyle no matter where you are. Here are five practical tips to help you stay keto while on the go.

1. Planning Ahead

Researching keto-friendly restaurants and grocery stores at your destination is crucial. Here’s how to do it:

  • Use Online Resources: Websites and apps like Yelp, Google Maps, and TripAdvisor can help you find keto-friendly restaurants. Look for places that offer low-carb options or customizable menus.
  • Call Ahead: Contact restaurants directly to inquire about keto options and make special requests.
  • Locate Grocery Stores: Identify local grocery stores or markets where you can purchase keto staples like meats, cheeses, nuts, and vegetables.

2. Packing Snacks

Having keto-friendly snacks on hand can make a big difference during travel. Consider these portable options:

  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds are convenient and nutritious.
  • Cheese Sticks: Individually wrapped cheese sticks or slices are easy to carry and require no refrigeration for short periods.
  • Jerky: Beef or turkey jerky with no added sugars can provide a protein boost.
  • Avocado: Pack an avocado or two for a quick and healthy fat source.
  • Dark Chocolate: Opt for high-cocoa dark chocolate with minimal added sugar for a sweet treat.

3. Hotel Room Meals

Utilizing hotel amenities can help you prepare simple keto meals:

  • Microwave and Mini-Fridge: Many hotels offer rooms with microwaves and mini-fridges. Use these to store and reheat pre-cooked meals or prepare simple dishes.
  • Electric Kettle: An electric kettle can be used to boil eggs or make hot beverages.
  • Simple Ingredients: Keep it simple with ingredients like deli meats, cheese, hard-boiled eggs, and pre-washed salad greens.

4. Eating Out

Ordering keto-friendly meals at restaurants requires some strategy:

  • Customizing Orders: Don’t hesitate to customize your order. Ask for dishes to be cooked in butter or olive oil instead of vegetable oils.
  • Focus on Protein and Vegetables: Opt for grilled meats, fish, and salads. Avoid starchy sides and bread.
  • Sauces and Dressings: Request sauces and dressings on the side to control carb intake. Stick to oil-based dressings or simple vinegar and olive oil.

5. Staying Active

Maintaining an exercise routine while traveling can help you stay on track:

  • Hotel Gyms: Take advantage of hotel fitness centers.
  • Bodyweight Exercises: Perform bodyweight exercises like squats, push-ups, and lunges in your hotel room.
  • Outdoor Activities: Explore your destination by walking, hiking, or renting a bike.

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